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Just downloaded the Android 64bit version. I enjoyed the game, especially the bathroom and pool scenes.

Did notice some issues though, I could not get the achievement for catching the same girl in a row even though I kept capturing her as soon as she left the locker/stall/pool. Also, the exit button while in the vending machine menu doesn't respond but I can press back on my phone and it'll exit just fine.

Lastly, the achievement for capturing the golden girl isn't unlocking even though I did capture her.

My phone is OnePlus 11

Thanks! We've looked into the achievement, and haven't really found out why it's not working for some people while working fine for me. Have you used the same locker or different ones for the same girl? 

vending machine bug is fixed for next update coming soon to android

Haven't heard about the golden girl achievement not working though. Will look into