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A game that meets the requirements, with very pretty sprites of cars which may have taken up the majority of your time, but definitely works. Nice to have the character movement be animated, very cool touch. Gameplay is very reminiscent of the  Offline Dinosaur Game which isn't a bad thing, and even things like higher and lower obstacles seems to have been implemented.

The game requires the file, which makes playing the game a little harder than just downloading it and running the executable. It would be nice for the vehicles to spawn on the far edge of the screen and make it seem that they coming from off-screen, improving graphical polish. Also, controlling how high the character jumps by holding the space button as well as tweaking jump speed is I think would make the game far nicer to control.

It's fairly clear that the focus was on the visual polish of the game, which is entirely fair.  I would have liked to have seen a little more work on the level and a bit less on the cars. You see most of the cars briefly but the environment is consistently on screen. A solid submission, well done.