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(2 edits) (+1)

A fair question! What happened was Unity decided to say they were going to charge per-install and, though they've since backed from that, I do not trust them to keep to their word on it since they already twice failed to keep their word. As a result, I canceled the Unity version of the project and delisted the download. The game has since been restarted in Godot (this is what all the screenshots are presently showing; the Godot version of the game).

I'm getting pretty close to a fully playable version of the game but there's a few mechanics I got stuck on (playable combat event effects largely, which are taking long enough I'm reconsidering that whole part of the combat system) and recently I had to contend with a major surgery, moving to a new apartment, and now my graphics card giving me its notice that it's going to die soon. That said, I do intend to put up a playable before year's end (hopefully Octoberish if not sooner for those who subscribe to my Subscribestar).

Thanks for your interest! Be sure to follow the project if you want fast access to that download and join the Forgotten Workshop discord if you want to follow the smaller bits of development outside of my larger devlog posts.

(Any purchases made from the bundle will still give access to the eventual Godot build of the game)

Great; thanks! 

I saw the Unity debacle go down and am not surprised. I was also wondering "how the hell are they going to charge per install since, y'know, there is no record of what I install on my computer when the internet is off?" And the answer was "oh we pretty much only mean mobile; we kinda forgot everything else existed," and... yeah, there was no way to take their answers as anything other than "we are going to look for ways to squeeze money out of a pack of users who got involved with this because it was free."

I'll check back later and hope to see the new version when it's ready!