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This is a very solid submission, the game is very simple and has a single control.  A prime example of a hyper-casual game!

Perhaps it is just me being bad at the game, but I found that the hitboxes for the pins are fairly unforgiving, especially since the pin travels very slowly in comparison to the rotating pins. Some tweaking would make the game less hard to play because it feels a little harsh at times. Another thing to consider is the download of the game, perhaps there is a better way to export the game as a single app and not a series of folders?

There is a reason that this "pin circle" game is popular on mobile, it is a hyper-casual game that can be picked up by anyone. So to be able to replicate something similar in a matter of days is very impressive, some minor tweaking to difficulty and some graphical polish and this would be a solid mobile game (if there wasn't a ton of them out there already!).