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Got the same error Federx reported, thrice. While playing Story Mode, on different occasions. (You can only see the first time directly in stream, since I'm not capturing it with OBS the other times, but you can see game being restarted.)

The game is very cool in terms of graphics and sound, but gameplay feels bad and confusing. It was not clear to me at all, why sometimes I rolled a nice dice and then only did 1 damage. Tried to mouseover on enemy stuff - did not work. Only later I realised that you can mouseover in *some* stages of combat, but not in others. Also some stuff like the "Def 11" still isn't explained then. I feel the game should start with half a dozen encounters where enemies do not have any bullshit special abilities, and let you stock up on some options for combat. And then ramp it up in terms of complexity. Maybe one just has to git gud, idk.

Oh by the way, at one point I picked a spell, was excited to have more flexibility in next encounter -- but my previous spell was gone?! I was thinking the endgame perspective of the game is to have a ton of options and going crazy acrobatics to get a bunch of dice right, but now I am not so sure. Also will the party members do anything?

Well, I would like this game with better gameplay.

DoAdd crashes have been fixed, first space being weird will be fixed
Tutorial shit's coming, seems more necessary due to feedback
and fucking THANK YOU this feedback helped alot (I'm retarded but I'm working on it!)

The bug you encountered with the crashes (specifically the ones with the DoAdd bit) were fixed in the current build. Ironically, I can tell this is the previous build because the newest build has 101 spaces in Classic mode (I'm retarded despite my efforts!) which I've also addressed in my current working build. I should really just have the version number in a corner or something.

Classic mode is meant to be the tutorial for the game, but I'm probably gonna have to do a short, easy Prologue mode to roll out the mechanics slowly and more explicitly. Defense will get a mention (it's not particularly complex to explain) and maybe a mouseover description.

The run where you picked a spell immediately was a bug. I recently made the game do a soft reset instead of a hard one on defeat, but because of that some things got overlooked like clearing out the first space on the Travel board, so by chance you got a spell selection one shuffled into the first space. The spell selection menu in classic mode writes to a specific spell slot, not just the next available, so you got an almost-a-feature-like bug on stream and it was honestly kinda funny as shit. I fixed this issue immediately upon seeing it, so thanks again!

You can click the party members to switch to them during the player command state (when you can cast spells, see descriptions, click GO) and they have different MP talents and spells. Story mode is unbeatable without swapping characters.

I wouldn't say you need to git gud so much as just slow down a little, but you're playing and streaming a ton of games (seriously, what the fuck is with all these games in demo day now???) so I don't blame you for getting a bit impatient. The game isn't very forgiving in the first place but it's very surmountable given some practice. Though one could debate the existence of design failures at all, they certainly wouldn't be failures on your part as a player; either I failed to communicate it, or a failed to make it competently. Finding these flaws is the whole reason for putting out a demo for a mongolian basketweaving static vidcons communications hub in the first place.

>I wouldn't say you need to git gud so much as just slow down a little

Yeah, I've been thinking the same seeing some folks play my own game -- the problem with DD is that even if you have goodwill towards a game (which I try to always have, trying out only entries that appeal to me at that moment), it quickly becomes unclear what are game bugs, what is design mistakes and what is just yourself not getting it.

But I come back to games that fundamentally seem cool (like yours) on subsequent DDs, looking forward to see the progress.