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(2 edits)

will there ever be P in V sex in the game? I know that anal seems to be the main focus fetish along with the dom/sub stuff, but i just want to know for sure. And I also have quite a large impreg fetish, so at least a short epilogue where the girl(s) whose route you chose is pregnant with your kid would be hot, though with Addison's gender/sex being changeable i could see it causing some issues. Also any possibility of one or more of the girls having a pegging scene with ian?

Vaginal is guaranteed for some, the question is, who is willing to break the law first~
Also, I doubt there will be pegging

ok, and for the pegging i was just asking because both linda and jessie seem like the type to own a strapon, linda esspecially given her generally domineering attitude. also the image of a male addison having to use a strap on to fuck ian because his own natural endowment is to lacking to be of use is just funny to me as well as kinda hot kek