Really excellent game overall, congratulations! I found it got a little repetitive around level 8 or 9, or so. And then 13 feels like it’s impossible, so I gave up. ~~Really too bad y’all didn’t get sound effects in~~ wow somehow I must’ve muted them by accident first time through cause I just checked and they do in fact exist lol. I think it’s really unfortunately unclear how and when the grappling hook is allowed to be used, and it has a lot of buggy behavior, some of which is funny but mostly confusing. The narrow tall level feels like it’s nearly impossible because of it. The shotgun actually felt like a downgrade compared to the grenade launcher, especially against turrets as the best way to beat them is to get right next to them and the shotgun pushes you away. Also a personal complaint but I hate having a dash like this on the same hand that does WASD, would’ve loved to rebind it to right click and used shift for the grapple, maybe.
Overall super fluid, fun, amazing entry and y’all should be proud!