I straight up cannot play it on browser for test, but I trust it's good :)
Sorry it doesn't work for your browser. What browser are you using? It may just be an itch issue because I can play it fine :)
I use Windows!
I tried to have the game started a few times, but it won't load
Windows is not a browser, it's an operating system. Are you using opera, safari, chrome, fire fox, edge, or some other browser
Sorry, I'm using chrome
Yeah make since. Chrome has problems with itch web games. Do you have any extensions on chrome? And do you have problems with other itch web games?
Nope, never had a problem with another game, this is the first one
Strange. I don't know what to do. Well I can confirm its a good game. So its worth the download!
great, thanks!
Hope you have a good day (night?)!