Nice, just re-solved all the changed levels and almost all solutions were different from my initial solution haha, but now they all seem like proper solutions. Though I still have a question about level 9, because it actually felt easier to solve this time, I just (ROT13) tenoorq gur fgenaqrq oyhr fyvzr onpx gb gur evtug fvqr, naq gura vg jnf irel rnfl gb fbyir
Solved again, I think this time the solution I used was similar to what I used in the first version of the level. Is the intended solution just (ROT13) ohvyqvat n 4-gvyr gnyy funcr jvgu gur cvax bar ba gbc, gura teno gur oyhr bar, gura pbzr onpx gb sbez nabgure gnyy funcr ohg jvgu gur cvax bar ba gur obggbz?