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Really enjoyed this, right up until a certain point, then it kinda derails for me. I know it's been out for awhile but I'm still hesitant to mention spoilers. Meh.

*Blegh* I had way too much to drink last night, why am I writing this now?

It's really really good, it captures you well, so well I won't even do the bad endings. Just refuse. (Damn near killed me on my way to a good one, can't do a bad one :p )

*Grumble* Seriously, I'm hungover, have a friggin headache like you wouldn't believe. You've never seen me drink, you have no idea how bad this is, I'm just glad my phone is on always darkmode.

There's more than a few spelling issues and at least one box without a name suggesting a thought but it's supposed to be a person talking.

*Glares menicingly at the rising sun* yep, that was a bad idea, probably as bad as writing this long ass ranty review, comment, note, letter...thing.

I still want to rant so bad about the thing! >.< ARGH damn you for this awesome story, I would definitely kick down your sand castle if I saw you making one!

*Burys head under pillow* normally, I'd read over everything I've written, but that's not happening. I'm not sure I'd expect someone to read this when not hungover, much less like I am now.

Thank you for the great story regardless.

*Rants more in hungover* Should have just done this a week ago when I beat the game, but nooooo, smart guy here decides to wait until the worst possible time to write this rather than when I would have had plenty of time to plan this out, talk it out with the two other people I know that have played it, got their thoughts and opinions on things.


Well, alrighty then. Thank you.