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Bubblepaws' Destiny: Prolouge

“Born of the gentle flow and nurtured by the moon’s caress, bubbles shall rise as the river’s envoy to bridge the divided shores.”

This is the message the medicine cat, Oakriver of RiverClan, has received on the night of the full moon, also the night that Bubblekit was born to Lilacshine, and Featherfall. Her sister, Nettlekit, seems to have nothing to do with this prophecy, Bubblekit on the other paw...

"Oakriver," Cheetahstar called "Are you there?"

"Oh, sorry. I was lost in thought" Oakriver sighed, she has been thinking about that prophecy for 4 moons now.

"Right, what were you telling me about your herb store?"

As the two continued speaking, Bubblekit was splashing around in the water that flowed through camp, she always took a particular liking to the water, more than the other kits.

"Bubblekit! Stop splashing around in the water and go tell your sister to gather the cobwebs she can find around camp for Oakriver's store." her mother called, Lilacshine never treated Bubblekit like her sister. Bubblekit felt that her mother loved Nettlekit more than her. At least Finkit was nice to her, the tomcat was always kind to her, always bringing her flowers that he found around camp. She bounded over to her sister, "Lilacshine said to collect cobwebs around camp for Oakriver." she padded off, she didn't need to hear her sister's know-it-all response, she padded towards Finkit, nuzzling his nose, and they played mossball together.

"Cheetahstar, I believe there is something... special, about Bubblekit." Oakriver mewed.

"What do you mean?" Cheetahstar asked curiously

"Well, Cheetahstar, I believe she is part of a prophecy I received on the night of her kitting," she recited the prophecy perfectly from memory, "Born of the gentle flow, and nurtured by the moon's caress, bubbles shall rise as the river's envoy to bridge the divided shores."

Cheetahstar gasped, realizing the only plausible explanation. "It has to be her," she concluded

(Note: each chapter is 0.5-1 moon apart, this one is one moon. Bubblekit is now 5 moons old.)

Bubblepaws' Destiny: Chapter 1

"Finkit, want to pretend that I'm prey, and you can hunt me?" Bubblekit mewed

"Sure, flower!" he mrrowed happily, he came up with that nickname a few moons ago, because she was beautiful, like a flower.

She chuckled, Finkit was the sweetest cat alive, sweeter than her mother, the cat who was supposed to love her most.

"Oakriver, do you think we should tell Bubblekit's mother and father about the prophecy?" Cheetahstar was speaking with Oakriver in the medicine den.

"I... don't think so, they don't really care about her as much as they should, they would just doubt us, and ignore it." Oakriver replied

"You're right, Oakriver. So, what do we do?

"The only thing we can, keep it to ourselves until she's at least 12 moons old." Oakriver replied gloomily, keeping a secret this big was going to be hard, especially for this long of a time.

"If you say s- What is that rushing noise?" Cheetahstar asked warily, "Is that what I think it is? That sounds like a... FLOOD!"


They ushered every cat out of camp to a higher ground, as the camp flooded, it ruined all of their hard work on the camp for moons, "GO!" Troutheart, the deputy, ushered "WE HAVE TO GO, NOW!"

"Featherfall, why aren't you coming? What's wrong?!" Troutheart asked worriedly

"M-my daughter's in there... Nettlekit.." he mumbled

"Sh-she is?" Troutheart asked "Why?"

"She went to try and save her favorite stick..." he meowed, eyes full of grief

"Her favorite stick? I'm so sorry..." He glanced around, and he noticed another cat was missing: Hollytail, the elder. She must not have made it out. This flood was horrible, Nettlekit and Hollytail died, and all the prey wouldn't be back for moons!

"Featherfall,  Lilacshine, I have bad news." Troutheart announced, "Nettlekit is... dead..." 

The parents of the dead kit just stood there in silence for a moment, Lilacshine especially, as she didn't know.

Bubblekit sat in the clearing, a half-moon after the flood. She looked around her camp, it was destroyed, there was a makeshift den for everybody, no true dens. Her sister, Nettlekit, was dead, and so was Hollytail, this clan is weak, what will the other clans think? That we can't protect ourselves? The gathering was tomorrow, and the only prey we have now is fish. Every cat is weak, hungry, tired. This flood was the worst thing to happen in all of her 5 moons, she would be an apprentice soon enough, so would Finkit, he's a half-moon older than her, so it's time for him to become an apprentice, but Cheetahstar hasn't had time.

(1 day after the last chapter, full moon, right before the gathering.)

Bubblepaws' Destiny: Chapter 2

The cats traveled across to the gather, Cheetahstar, Troutheart, and Oakriver in the lead. RiverClan was the closest, so they arrived first. Oakriver leaped up onto the great oak, the branch that the medicine cats sat on, Cheetahstar hopped up onto the oak as well. Because Finkit was apprentice aged, he brought Finkit along.

"I know this an unconventional place for a meeting, but I believe it is time for Finkit to become an apprentice. I have brought his mentor with me. Finkit, step forward."

As Finkit padded forward, he trembled in excitement, who would his mentor be?

"Finkit, you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Finpaw. Your mentor will be Birchblaze. I hope Birchblaze will pass down all they know to you. Birchblaze, come forward. You have received excellent training from Sliverstone, and you have shown yourself to be brave, and courageous. You will mentor Finpaw, and I expect you to pass on all you know to Finpaw."

As Finpaw touched noses with Birchblaze, he was proud, he knew Birchblaze was patient, yet stern.

"Finpaw! Finpaw! Finpaw! the cats chanted, just as WindClan arrived.

Onestar leaped up to the rock, followed by Kestrelflight, while his deputy Ashfoot stayed near the bottom of the Great Oak.

A little while later, the clans were gathered, Cheetahstar announced "Let the gathering begin." Cheetahstar is going first "I have great news to announce, Finkit is now Finpaw, mentor is Birchblaze. I also have devastating news, there has been a flood in our camp. All prey has disappeared, and there are fish left, but not as many as before. Two cats have also died: Hollytail, and Nettlekit." He dipped his head to Onestar, signaling his turn

"All is well in WindClan, we chased a dog off our territory, and we have two new warriors: Dandeliontail, and Nettlefur." Onestar finished, dipping his head to Firestar

"Nothing special happened in ThunderClan this moon, only a rogue near the border, but we chased it off quickly. Blackstar, your turn."

Right as Firestar said that Blackstar yowled "ATTACK!" Every warrior there pounced on the RiverClan warriors. RiverClan tried to fight back, but they were weak from the lack of prey. Troutheart attacked Tigerheart, raking his tired claws down Tigerheart's flank, but Tigerheart pinned him easily, delivering hard blows to his soft underbelly, blood spilling out, he moved on, Troutheart was dead.

StarClan covered the moon and stars, it was complete darkness. RiverClan fled to their camp, Oakriver treated them, but she couldn't treat Troutheart's wounds. The clan deputy was dead. This has been a terrible moon. Finpaw went to sleep in his nest in the nursery, he still wanted to sleep there until Bubblekit became an apprentice.

Chapter 3 coming Thursday!

its really cool!!! 
