An attempt was made to meet the requirements of the brief and to create a 3D game with an engine that perhaps you are unfamiliar with which is entirely viable use of this project. By getting some experience with a new engine, you can prep yourself for using that in the future which is good thinking.
I do feel like there are improvements that can be made to enhance the user experience. Firstly, having the projectiles spawn near where you are aiming rather than off to the side would make hitting targets significantly easier and not as awkward. In addition, projectiles being locked to a single rotational axis can also make aiming harder and feel incredibly weird when trying to hit targets. Secondly, the score does not seem to reset once you fail and there is no way to tell what your health is which means for the most part you are largely guessing. Next, did you consider whether or not the way people can access your game is the most appropriate? Having lots of folders and files could confuse the everyday user. Finally, is this really a Single Control game, doesn't moving your mouse and clicking count individually?
Overall, using this unit to become familiar with software is entirely fair, but consider your time effectively and choose software appropriate for the task at hand as well as how to implement the requirements. Clients in industry and your 3rd year will have specific requirements which you must meet, so being able to design using those constraints is a key skill that you should aim to pick up throughout this year. Keep at it!