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Hi, long time no see! Nice to greet you again.

Indeed, it’s been a lot of time, the result of being a solo dev making two games at once, writing in two languages... and above all, doing this writing with the utmost care and detail, because well, I’m not satisfied with less than that.

The process of translating manually is tedious and time-consuming, especially when I am so attentive to detail, although I understand that this hardly serves as an excuse for many players. Anyway, and even if I’m not too much of an enthusiastic follower of the new fad, I’m confident that, with the advent of AI, sooner or later we devs will have in our hands APIs or the like designed for Ren'Py, with which translating enormous scripts will be almost a piece of cake. Of course, the result won’t be the optimum of a classic manual process, and editing phases carried out by us humans will still be needed at the end of the day. But it has already been proven that what an AI spits out is still a much better result than those obtained with the traditional MTL methods, and I can foresee that this will be useful at least to calm the anxieties of the most impatient players... or so I hope.

In the meantime, I continue with my patient writing, as always. Right now, my focus is on Chapter 6 of my other game, “Monster Girls: the Advent”, in its Spanish version. But hopefully, those translations will see the light of day sooner or later. I wish for all users out there, regardless of the language they speak, to be able to enjoy my visual novels.

Cheers and see you around!