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Deleted 133 days ago

wasnt ghost tapping a psych engine and kade engine thing

when was it ever in vanilla

Deleted 133 days ago

it wasn't, there was never ghost tapping lmao
i think you have mandela effect

?? when was it ever in the vanilla game

it wasn't removed. in the previous update you would still take damage for ghost taps, but no combo penalty. i think the last update just added the score penalty to it.

that was the engines not the offical game

ok WOW i worded that bad gimme a sec

i said "it wasn't removed" because it was never in the game in the first place, just modded engines. i'm just referring to them as 'ghost taps' in the newest version of the official game because i don't know what else to call them. the combo system got reworked in general, and missing... doesn't give you a miss or break your combo anymore. it just does damage and takes away 10 points.