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I think the presentation of this game is really good and I enjoyed the experience. Here's a small list of issues that I found while playing:

Buttons do not react to the player moving over them. (there is no way to know that a button is a button without it reacting to the player, except for appearance)

There's no way to track how far you've gone.

Also, I was able to break the game. When falling right after I pressed a button I got stuck on something and couldn't move at all:

Thank you so much! 

You are right about a button. I shall fix it to make it more obvious. 

About a bug: were you able to restart level from pause menu or did everything froze? Knowing this will help me traging that bug.

And lastly about tracking a how far you have gone: This is something I thought for sometime. I decided to have no progress bar because I wanted to create that feeling of not knowing how far you have gone and how much is left.

But your opinion is valid and I will probably add progress bar if more players see that it would improve their playing experience :)

Thank you for playing!

After the bug happened I closed the game.

Deleted 4 years ago