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Think this might be one of the few times i have genuinely gotten wrapped up and charmed by a yandere-themed game;usually I play em just for the scare factor. This guy, this silly silly little forest critter. I am HEAVILY biased in my oppinion, but i don't mind. I've been into cottagecore as a comfort recently and it is a fantasy to live in a magical forest like this. The character design! At first, the collection of features would seem a bit cluttered, particularly the blue blood, but it all ends up just blending so well together in the end. Let alone the fact that the MC is scarily relatable at times; all the more immersive. 

But aside from my obvious gushing at the aesthetics and character appeal, I do want to recognise the less noticable ways in which this game shines. The world building is magical while staying masterfully grounded and realistic; ie the difficulties of living in the forest and whatnot. It's actually quite fascinating to see how much clear care went into properly fleshing out the world and setting, where most stories would just slap a "magic" label on it and call it a day. 

I like the depth given for the more stereotypically "yandere" trope side of Mycheal; it's clever how, with the world building, we build up to actually somewhat have sympathy for him(I sure know I did). It would make sense how being alone for so long would develop obsessional tendencies in a person, and I'm intrigued to see how this will be further explored. Curious to see whether we continue along this somewhat sympathetic side, or if it will be ripped away from us in a clever twist ending(I allude to this later) 

I also do enjoy the care taken for the less "favourable" endings that don't lead to the second day; sure, they're a little cliche, especially the You Monster ending, but I really do appreciate how, aside from some lightly cringey dialogue choices, they are still meaningful and build onto the world. Lightly tagging this on, gameplay wise, the jumpscare with the last choice(I think) was really clever and really showed how little choice you actually had in the situation. I also do enjoy the bold colouristic changed in the font to signify different choices. This leads me onto my favourite ending aside from the obvious path forward to the second day; the one where you lay down in the mushrooms once again. 

I like the potential mystery and food for thought that this ending gives, well, aside from being absolutely heart-shattering with your shadow next to your cats(almost cried). With how obvious during the second day it was made that Mycheal knows about them, it makes me wonder what the connection is there. I have a high suspicion we may end up coming across the same patch with the shadow of our cat once he follows up on his promise to help look for our cat; and I'm excited to see how that interaction unfolds(personal theory: they are his own doing, ie they're related/how he catches his prey) 

Will be eagerly awaiting further days!