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One thing this game absolutely STICKS the landing on is the aesthetic. It's not afraid to over-indulge and sticks to it's themes and tropes in a way that just doesnt seem to get old in the way you'd expect. The setting is interesting and it doesn't take very long for a clear plot to be set in place which keeps the story from feeling too discombobulated, keeping it interesting. Character designs aren't too complicated but keep their charm. Personally at first wasnt a huge fan of the mc's design but I have to say that it grew on me. Going back to the story, I like how, for now, there seem to be two plots that intertwine with one another(ie mc wanting to find out more about themself being a changeling/their past + finding the cure for Nim's affliction.). Small little thing I picked up on but much appreciated was how well executed the dream sequence was; hit the nail on the head with how unaware a person is at the beggining of a dream that it is one! All in all, an enchantically endearing tale that I look forward to reading more of. 

I'd say the singular nit-pick I have is that we don't particularly get to know the Satyr before we're presented with the first relationship-esque choice in the game. Quite frankly I don't imagine anyone at this point would've made up their mind yet on who they want to pursue, let alone the Satyr whomst we lack crucial relationship development with like we had with the goblin and the elf.