The new Automaton from the robots, they managed to mix a turtle... and a bunch of guns, and virus bombs... the result is the Gummy (Based on real-life Gummy)
Awwww... it has a cute tail...
This enemy is a miniboss, like Spidertron, it's weak spot is the head, which when attacked, will make the automaton retreat onto her shell, and put out machine guns for the first hit, and mini missile launchers on the second one, through the limb holes, it'll then spin around and shoot everywhere, it must be hit three times to be defeated.
It's attacks outside of the shell include the two guns on the top, which are an Ion Minigun, and a rocket launcher (Full sized this time), it also has a charge attack, where, if you get too close to its head, it will hide it, and charge at you (Kind of like real-life Gummy, if you tickle her head too much), knocking you down, and making you an easy target for the guns, so you have to approach from the side, its most unique attack is the viral bomb, it will randomly drop viral bombs around the arena, those mess you in some way, either reversing your controls, or making you attack uncontrollably, or just damaging you.
Full name: MK7 "Gummy" Heavy Bunker Automaton
She's cute :3