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Thistle's Story,Chapter 2

I continue along the pavement until I finally found the hill which I had used to escape from the twoleg kit. I run down it,skidding to a halt as I tumble onto the smooth,sandy ground. I get up and shake myself,arching my back in a stretch. I trot along the sand,enjoying the soft,powdery feeling on my grazed paw pads. I stop in my tracks,looking across at an unfamiliar feline,who seemed to be sunbathing. I stiffly walk up to them and prod their shoulder. The cat looked up,groaning. ''What?'' It was a light brown shecat,with a faded point face. I peer down at her. ''Who are you?'' I ask,tilting my head. She snorted,struggling to her paws and sitting up. ''I'm Thorn,I live here.'' She declared. I narrow my eyes. ''Are you sure? How come I've never seen you around before?'' I mew,suspicious. ''I live with my twolegs,in the beach hut over there.'' She points to one of the beach twoleg dens. ''Oh,they're called beach huts?'' I prick my ears. ''Yeah.'' She parts her maw in a yawn. ''Well,I never knew that.'' I mew,flicking my fluffy tail. ''I live in one of those floating monsters over there,on the water. My twolegs own them.'' I declare. ''So,you're a kittypet boatcat?'' She frowns. ''I'm not a kittypet!'' I protest defensively. ''And what's a boat? Is it the floating monsters?'' I ask,curious again. Thorn rolled her eyes. ''A boat is the floating monster,yes.'' She sighed as if I was the dumbest cat she'd ever met. I continue. ''So,if you live here,why don't you swim? The water's nice and cool!'' I purr. She flinches,hissing. ''Water is not my thing.'' She mutters. I shrug. ''Suit yourself. I'm Thistle.'' I smile. ''Bye,Thistle.'' She grins,flopping in the sand again and bathing in the sun. I supress a laugh. ''Bye.'' I wink,turning and stalking off,back to my twolegs boat. I curl up in it and tuck my tail over my nose,drifting off.[ End of Chapter 2! ]

nice. I like chapter 1 as well.