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I enjoyed it. Graphically it looks nice and the gameplay loop looks like it has promise so I'm looking forward to when the environment interactions are a bit more developed.

I liked that playing with fire is a balancing act where it has to be close enough to you to grow but not too close so that you burn yourself. I think when the flame is far away from you it should do almost no damage otherwise it's unfair to the enemies.

Would be better if the flame produced more light even when it's smaller and farther away from the player. It would make it easier to get oriented. As it is right now it's not possible to get a good light while walking.

Wind simulation is impressive and the grass physics are cool. I'm not sure if it's intentional but the wind can be used to give the player a speed boost. 

Don't know if there was any point to the weird multicoloured patches of ground.

The music is not grating but repetitive which could discourage from playing for longer periods.