Thanks for the insight. Yes I see everyone looks to used this ?"" print stuff. But I really don't get why with ⁶ it will execute some function somehow ? The manual don't look to talk about that :)
I've checked a little, ord(⁶) give me 6, that why it's not appear on your tool I guess? (start at 16). (Very useful tool by the way, specially when using vs code)
The little 6 is a single-character substitute for "\^", which is a common control code. Zep didn't necessarily make all the shortcuts like that very obvious. I actually included characters 0-15 in the tool, they're just in the code as comments and you can copy and paste them, since they're not printable in a running program.
Ok I get the doc is split in two on fandom make me realise that we can save an extra char when play sound :
?"⁷e6" instead of ?"\ae6"
Also yes indeed that made them not printable :) (which it's sad because the glyph looks cool) I'll download the cart then.