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(2 edits) (+1)

- A little survey, if I may. 

- Caution! Then there are spoilers. 

- And which outcome, in your opinion, is considered the most profitable or the most terrible for the further life of the main characters?


1. Nothing changes and the main characters are separated.

2. The characters split up, but Dave stays with Sal and makes new friends while remembering the old ones.

3. The characters split up, Orlando opens his pastry shop and Dave and Tyson stay together.

4. Nothing changes and the main characters are separated.

5. Tyson goes to jail and Dave and Dean become cops.

6. The heroes split up, Orlando's family threatens Dave with violence, which is why he moved to live with Hoss, losing contact with the others.

7. The heroes are splitting up and the dragon mafia is gaining more strength in its ranks.

8. Totally FUCKED UP!

- My personal assessment is a good way 3, since in principle everyone is alive there except Dean, of course, not to offend the boobear, of course, but a bad option somewhere between the 6th, 7th and 8th.


Imo 1 is the best outcome, it just happens too fast for them to react, they still have  choices they can make on their own.

As the worst outcome, i'm stuck between 6, 7 and 8, they are just so hellish I can't decide