to begin with I don't just want porn I want both a good game and porn. I'm not trying to be rude here, and to be fair I really shouldn't have wrote that when I was so mad. However I still think my points stand.
To start with the game problem, I was fighting 4 slimes 2 warrior and to alchemist slimes these had a defense buff spell that effect themselves. it came back at the start of there turns. The buff resulted in my paladin doing 1 damage when they normally did 15 or even 20+ damage, and I brought a maid to use feather duster to get rid of the buff, however guess who go targeted and forced to change class and not even 3 rounds into encounter. only to be captured by round 8. if you guessed the maid here's your cookie your correct. so here I am, staring down an enemy I can't damage fast enough to kill nor get rid of there buffs nor do I have enough healing, even with 2 adapt clerics, to out last them. the problem is the buff return too fast and doing way to much reduction. I wont comment on the orcs I haven't even tried fight them yet.