Enjoying this quite a bit! Unfortunately it's broken on OpenBor 4.0, it is impossible to get past stage 3 because you keep falling 'through' platforms.
I have some suggestions:
- Have jump+kick execute the DD2 jumping forward kick, and jump+back kick the DD1 jumping back kick. Having it the other way round is counterintuitive.
- Make use of the DD2 sound effects . The DD1 hit sound could be used for punches and the DD2 one for kicks. Or the DD2 hit sound could be used for special attacks such as the whirlwind kick or jumping knee. The DD2 floor drop sound could be used for large enemies.
- Lower the should throw arc a little bit, and have thrown bad guys knock over others, like in Final Fight.
- DD2 has a standing knee attack (forward attack close to an enemy that just got up) that is not featured, please add it.
- Punch while jumping shouldn't do a flying kick?
- The whirlwind kick should be executed by pressing both kicks while jumping?
Also padding the character screen with multiple Billies and Jimmies isn't necessary since they're just palette swaps, how about using the DD1 colors when pressing punch and the DD2 ones with kick?
Just some thoughts.