Hi, here is my draft list of bugs I have encountered playing the game. (Windows)
1: Spear not working for no apparent reason, the spear is not placed the way its supposed to be in the hand and cannot be used against the shark. I tried making a new one but it doesn't change anything. When clicking the mouse, nothing happens. (I had to stop playing since the shark was tearing down my raft and I couldn't do anything about it.)
2: Coconuts keep rolling on the raft until they fall into the sea whatever the length of your raft unless there's something to block it (wall or a chest by example)
3: Sometimes walls cannot be placed around a pillar or a coconut patch, I had to remove the patch or the pillar to add the wall first then re-add the patch or the pillar.
4: Items caught in the item net are not displayed in the right net (Not a major bug)
5: When breaking a foundation, sometimes I can't replace a new one afterward and I have to wait for a while before I can place a new one.
That's all for now, but appart from that great game I love it, can't wait for these bugs to be fixed and for further updates