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(3 edits)

Thunderstorm's Life

This is how my OC, Thunderstorm looks. He's a half-Clan cat; half ThunderClan, half RiverClan. He lives in ThunderClan. His mother is Amberflower from ThunderClan and his father is Stormcloud from RiverClan. He's serious, strict, good organizer and loyal. His past was really difficult, being a half-Clan cat. Thunderstorm has a crush on Snowfur, but he doesn't want to show it. He wants his own kits so they could also carry his legacy and strength to generation to generation. He's the strongest ThunderClan warrior. Thunderstorm is destined to save the Clans. The prophecy is: 

When the moon gets covered by dark clouds, a shadow shall fall upon the Clans, but have hope, for Thunder will rise to dispel the darkness that never ends.

This prophecy was interpreted by Goosefeather and had been told to Amberflower when she was expecting kits. Thunderstorm was her first and only kit. His destiny has not yet been started yet, but when the time comes, he alone, will be the saviour. He is 45 moons old. Moreover, when he was born, his size was twice the size of a newborn kit. He looked 2 moons old.

When he was a kit, he received a prophecy from Goosefeather, the previous medicine cat, to become a medicine cat apprentice, thus becoming one. On the day before he was going to become a true medicine cat, he again received a prophecy from Goosefeather to become a warrior.  The next day, Thunderpaw had declared at sun-high that he would become a warrior instead. Sunstar, the leader of ThunderClan, happily agreed this and it came as a shock when this was announced in the Clan meet. Even his mother fainted at this, for she so wanted her son to become a loyal, dedicated warrior. Sunstar appointed his mentor as Longtail. Longtail was strict and made Thunderpaw work really hard.

Many times he was insulted by a particular cat called Robinwing. She loathed half-Clan cats, and before Thunderstorm was born, she was told by Goosefeather that he alone was destined to save the Clans. At this, Robinwing spat at Amberflower and despised Amberflower's kit and said that Thunderkit would just be a traitor and a useless kit. Amberflower retorts back and says that every kit in a Clan is useful, and her kit is even more than useful. Despite this, he was supported by some cats in his Clan. His most trusted friend as an apprentice was Thrushpelt, who also later on, as a warrior remained a loyal friend throughout Thunderstorm's life. Thrushpelt always had given him advice and had always been at his side. 

You may now think that I made him TOO much special, but you're wrong. He has some flaws too. Every warrior does. No warrior can ever be perfect. Every time he goes past ThunderClan's nursery, he always tell them to stop making so much commotion and try to lower their voices. Seeing kits makes him remember of his own difficult past, and so he tries to make the kits life like his. Thunderstorm wants every apprentice, every kit, to understand what his life was when he was in their age. His past makes him shout at also the queens, because his other personality is that he can't control his anger.

See? Even the best of warriors have some dark personalities and some dark thoughts. Unlike other warriors, he hardly ever laughs. Hardly jokes or hardly ever socializes like his apprentice, Lightningtail, or like the other warriors. Instead, he just stays in the corner of the warriors' den, looking at the other warriors and pondering how their past life was so good... and... happy...

Thunderstorm always tries to get into every hunting patrol or border patrol. Why? It's because he wants to push those dark thoughts away and think about the future. I mean, obviously, what's the use of mourning your past when you can't even change it?

And you want to know why I made my character so unsociable, serious and strict? Because I am like that too! I honestly don't know where I belong to, what my destiny is! You can't put two paws in two different worlds! You have to choose one only! I am unsociable too. Like Thunderstorm, I think how others are so happy, while I am so... well, sad and not jolly like others. Like Thunderstorm, I can't control my anger. I just burst it out in a big argument. 

In conclusion, that's why I made Thunderstorm special, because I myself is like him. This is Thunderstorm's life.

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WOW! This writing is 100% AMAZING! I totally relate, please write more!