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Hiiii! So I recently finished this game and I don't normally comment on stuff (in fact I made an account just to say this) but I honestly couldn’t NOT say something about this game (sorry if I ramble too long!):

Little story actually, my first encounter with Straight!? was actually a gameplay video. At the time I normally didn’t take porn games seriously so I wasn’t too focused on the story and just wanted to see some really bad sex scenes (my first mistake).

After a while the game just popped back up in my mind and I would think about it every once in a while so I decided to check it out myself. I saw it on a random porn game site (second mistake btw) and noticed something different. The graphics and everything changed since I last saw it! It was like a completely different game and I was astonished, it was freakin’ gorgeous! So what did I do? Skipped through most of the dialogue because why not? (3rd mistake lol) 

That was until I (Minor spoiler!) got completely SPOOKED by an animation of Braden going to town on his bed- I was even more surprised. Animations?? And they’re smooth as straight up butter?? That's when I knew I had to finally give in and really give this game the attention it deserved (No, Braden beating his schmeat didn’t give me that realization- it was the dedication!)

And I’ll tell you, I’m so glad I did.

I started with the revamp and first thought maybe I’ll just wait for the full revamped release THEN go back to the original (which made no sense lol) buuut I couldn’t take it. I was so invested that I had to continue from the original and oh my god…I’ve never been so emotionally invested in a story in my LIFE. I loved everything about this, the characters, the humor, how natural the conversations felt, everything. Every time I’d try and put the game down, not even 15 minutes later I’d open it back up cause I NEEDED to know what happened next.

I felt myself honestly relating to each of the characters in a way, Zack and Braden especially. Despite being female I completely understood how they both felt, as someone who overthinks their damn self. Every time they’d explain why they felt a certain way I’d go “Yep. I completely see what you mean” (Well…sometimes lol)

Don’t think I forgot the other two! (Spoiler!: I literally started freaking out when I noticed Mikhail behind Zack in his Psychology class and Ash is just such a big ol’ sweetheart…despite being wild AF- getting some friends like them is a life goal hell- I wanna BE them.) and good GOD don’t get me started on that final chapter and the epilogue- 

Still trying to recover from that roller coaster…

I just love how naturally Zack and Braden’s relationship progresses over the course of the game, it’s really sweet. Even when they got upset and seemed just a little unjustified, I completely understood why they felt that way. And I love how they’re just a bunch of unexperienced goofs (Spoiler!: The ending ‘sex’ scene was just so silly I loved it! I reallyyy liked how the end goal was never for them to have sex, it’s sweet that they just enjoy each other's company.)

Also this could just be me cause I love this stuff but I really like the subtle differences between the respect route and the Perv route. (Spoiler!(?): Like when Zack and Mikhail go to surprise Braden and his reactions are completely different. After playing a ‘certain route’ beforehand I really liked that difference in particular knowing why they were so different, just little details like that)

Literally ever since I finished this game I have not stopped thinking about it, it is trapped in my head rent free like WOW. I can't wait to see more of the revamp, the progress is gonna be in-SANE! The end product is gonna be so freakin’ GOOD. It’s amazing to see a game like this go from another soulless porn game (no offense lol) to one of the greatest, most heartwarming stories I've ever witnessed!

You did such a great job, man! You’ve come such a long way <333

Heya :)  Such a fun post to read. Thank you for this. No judgement on your list of mistakes-- they were fun to read :P  Honestly, it's meaningful that the game slowly just chipped away until you sat down and read it. As someone who's never done this before, that's a very meaningful compliment. I just really appreciated reading this. Actually, I've read it a few times but just have been too busy to comment back yet. I also want to acknowledge that you mentioned being a female reader. The game audience has mostly been male but it's always super fun to have another female reader in here. I've had a few over the years and it's just a fun demographic that brings an entirely new perspective to things and I just really appreciate that and appreciate having you in the audience. 

Stay tuned with the Revamp, I definitely think it's going to continue to upgrade the entire story like we've already seen in the beginning. I have grown a lot with this and it's super cool you noticed that so thank you. Thanks for reading, thanks for your energy, and thanks for making an account just to check in and tell me how much you enjoyed it. Super fun post to read :)  Stay tuned! There's more coming!  <3

Yes! I’m so glad you liked my post! 

Ngl to you I read this over a few times lol, I was just so glad you appreciated it so much and so I’m super freakin’ glad my energy came through! 

I figured there weren’t too many female readers of this story since I think it’d be a little hard to put yourself in Zack’s place as a female (not to mention the full male cast of course lol) though personally, I didn’t feel it was that hard. I feel like it’s structured in a way where (like you said) anybody can be in that place.

I saw that you’ve finished chapter 5 and on your Twitter you were starting Chapter 6, don’t burn yourself out and for the love of GOD take breaks! Jk! (sorta) <3

Haha. Yeah, you're energy came through. I'll admit to making some assumptions while reading it that you write exactly like you talk-sorta like I do. I could hear a voice in the comment and it was just fun. 

You mention the "all male cast", which is honestly something that I was a bit ashamed of by the end. I like diversity in characters and I really tried to come up diverse personalities and combatted a lot of stereotypes here. However, in the process of that-- I completely left out female characters. Since this as a first writing attempt, I sorta went the direction of "write what you know." I don't know that I can write a good female character-- at least what my goals for the character would be so I very much stuck to my comfort zone in terms of gender. I wrote a very "bro" story here and I'm fine with that. However, it does kinda suck that we don't have female characters (I did sprinkle them in as secondary characters throughout so females do exist, lol). But with the story, I felt like I was already trying to do a lot and I was worried I'd end up writing a cliche female character and that would be almost more offensive than not including some. 

In terms of gender and their relation to the Zack. I think that can really depend on the person. I tried to include a lot of generic struggles and hopefully those had enough of a reference point that people could relate to something in their own life just to be able to empathize with the characters in that moment. Gender is certainly a variable here as also is culture, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, and tons of physical characteristics that are included in the story. As a female, i'm glad you were able to relate at least to some degree and hopefully the all male cast wasn't too exclusive.

Chapter 6 is coming up. I'm good. 6 is a difficult chapter so I'm ready to get started with it. I do take breaks but there's also a ton of work to do on this stuff when you mostly develop it solo. There's not a lot of time to take breaks but I am pretty good at self care most of the time. I've taken my motivation seriously on this project-- it's easy to get burnout doing that and that impacts the community, characters, and me so it's important I avoid that. I'm good :)

You take care of yourself too <3