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Heyo~~~ Names WillowWisp! I'll be commenting parts of my fan fiction sometimes, I'll start with chapter one!!!

  Chapter one- A new beginning

    I stepped out of the nursery, watching the cool apprentices and large warriors. I decided to pad over to a pair of gossiping elders. ``Did you hear? BrackenLight had a prophecy!`` LongGaze gossiped with DestinyHeart. ``Oh! Yes, yes I did!`` she responded. ``Ooooohhhh.. A prophecy?`` I piped up from behind, and the two elders jumped in surprise. ``WillowKit? We’re talking! Go away!`` LonfGaze scowled as I padded away, frowning. 

I approached the medicine den, walking in, smiling. ``Hello BrackenLight! Hello CinnamonPaw!`` I smiled, greeting the two cats. ``Oh hello WillowKit!`` BrackenLight smiled. ``I heard LongGaze and DestinyHeart saying you had a prophecy! What is it? Are we gonna see StarClan too?`` I  bounced on my paws. ``Sorry, little friend. It's a secret for now. Maybe we can tell you when you're older.`` BrackenLight grinned once more. ``Ok then! I’ll see you later!`` I smiled, trotting happily out of the den.

I walked over to the freshkill pile, approaching CinderStar. ``Can I grab a sparrow for my mom? She's sleepy! So I wanted to grab her some freshkill!`` I asked, looking up at my leader, who was staring blankly down at her. ``Fine.`` he said, unmoving. ``Thanks CinderStar!`` I smiled, not noticing the leader's blank stare. I grabbed a sparrow, grinned at the sparring apprentices who stopped to stare at me, then I padded back to the nursery.

I dropped the sparrow at BriarFrost’s feet, and her mother grinned warily. ``Mommy… why is everyone staring at me today?`` I asked, wondering if I had done something wrong. ``Nothing, darling. Just, BrackenLight’s prophecy has something to do with one of my kits, and we don’t know which one. It will be fine. Now get some rest.`` BriarFrost looked to the slowly setting sun, grinning. ``Your apprentice ceremony is tomorrow, rest up!`` she grinned, placing a purple flower behind my ear. ``Goodnight, gorgeous.`` BriarLight murmured as I fell into my nest, falling to sleep.

I awoke at sunrise, before the morning patrols left. Her mother was already awake, and it felt like the second I opened her eyes, my mother started grooming me like crazy. ``Moooommmm!`` I complained. ``Hush. Your ceremony is soon.`` BriarFrost whispered, continuing to groom the squirming WillowKit. Eventually, I settled, the purple flower still in behind her ear

``May all cats old enough to run free gather under the tall stump for a clan meeting!`` CinderStar’s voice rang across the clearing, and I padded outside of the nursery by her mothers side, and she had noticed both my siblings and StormLily’s eldest kit, NightKit, leave the protection of his sibling wall and approached the clearing. ``Today we gather because four kits have reached six moons in age, and it is now their time to become apprentices.`` He began, taking a breath. ``ShiningKit, with your mentor being AshenBloom, you shall now be known as ShiningPaw`` I watched as ShiningPaw stepped up and touched noses with their father, before nodding and padding back next to me ``ShinningPaw!`` The clan called out once, before quieting so CinderStar could continue. ``StormKit, with your mentor being DuskCall, you shall now be known as StormPaw.`` StormPaw stepped forward, touching noses with DuskCall before sitting back down next to 

me. ``StormPaw!!`` the clan howled in pride. ``NightKit, with your mentor being FawnThrash, you shall now be known as NightPaw.`` My stomach felt upside down as I awaited my turn to become an apprentice, as I watched the clan call out NightPaw’s name ``NightPaw!`` the entire HollyClan shouted. ``And finally,`` CinderStar continued, ``WillowKit. You have been kind and well throughout your entire Kithood. You shall now be known as WillowPaw, with me as your mentor.`` CinderStar hopped off the tall stump, and touched noses with WillowPaw. ``Is this really happening?`` I  thought, as the echoes of the clan chanting continued. But… there was less chanting than for ShinningPaw, or NightPaw, or even Stompaw. Why did she get less? Had I  done something wrong? ``Thank you, CinderStar. I will make our clan proud, I swear on my place as a HollyClan cat.`` I dipped my head, and CinderStar looked down at me in approval. ``I trust you shall, my apprentice.`` 

I awoke early, grinning at NightPaw and LightPaw. ``Morning!`` I said, smiling at the pair of cats. ``Oh! Good morning, WillowPaw!`` NightPaw grinned back. ``G-good morning!`` LightPaw stammered, as I tilted my head. ``Are you scared?`` I asked. ``Your way stronger than me!`` I yelped, watching her cautious diameter. ``Nothing, just BrackenLight’s prophecy, it’s creeping me out…`` she muttered. ``Oh! Well, that's ok! Act like we’re uhm… not in a prophecy! Or, one of us, whichever!`` I grinned, padding out. As I left the den, I heard LightPaw whisper to someone. ``She doesn’t know?``

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wow this is amazing!!!

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If you used the Stormsong character for Stormkit and Stormpaw, next time could you please add credit? (If you just thought of it you don't need to.) This is really good!

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Hi, it's me, Birchblaze. I'm wondering if there's anyone who would like to make a Queen's Mystery style comic to go along with Stormsong. Do you want to or know anyone who wants to? If you're wondering if this is actually me because it sounds a bit formal, I'm trying to sound polite LOL

I might be able to. I've finished all my projects and homework for school, so I have a little bit of free time. It depends, though. Can you specify what I'd be doing? (If you haven't already found someone lol)

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Glaceondragon999 is supposed to be doing it, but I can't find the one she's posting for some reason, so you can do one. Maybe a bit like Queen's Mystery (moss-shadow's Scratch comic), in chapters, and the chapters are the same as the book chapters? The story is the important part not the art.