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If there is one word to describe the game Extend by YDOEY, it would be diabolical. It must have been a deliberate choice on the developer's part to restrict it to download-only, gating off the weak players and ensuring that only those who already have the patience and commitment to giving the most thorough examination of the Fireside Jam 2024 entries would be subjected to its torments.

It seems at first glance like a low-effort platformer with overly basic artwork and the only audio being a simple piano piece. At that time, one little realizes what they have gotten themselves into, but soon enough it becomes clear. Once the first spike appears that provides no visual cue to its presence, however, memories of all those mind-meltingly difficult games that YouTubers would endure for the sake of letting others see their excessive emotional reaction start to flood the player's subconscious, and a certain excited trepidation overwhelmes their nervous system.

And these fears are only cemented with a masochistic glee with each passing level. While a lesser developer might fall back on repetitive usage of hazards meant to blindside in a way that leads to exhaustion, YDOEY has clearly mastered the craft of extricating joy from unfairness. With each passing level there is a new and unexpected twist on the game's rules that forces players to rethink their approach while also reintroducing old tricks in a way that is perfectly paced, ensuring that those who play it remain attentive to its cruelty rather than becoming annoyed by it.

If your experience playing it is anything like mine, this game will break you. You will not remain stable during its runtime. The piano piece will reflect the madness growing inside you. You will come out of it a changed person. You may either hold an eternal grudge over the developer, or come to respect their ingenuity and vision, You may have an easier time facing the hardships in your life knowing that there is perhaps some cosmic purpose behind them. To those reading it, this review serves a warning just as much as it does a recommendation.


omg XD

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