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Experienced game developer looking for a team

A topic by Xytrah Studios created 34 days ago Views: 207 Replies: 13
Viewing posts 1 to 9

hey there, I鈥檓 looking to work on a horror with a team of music composers, 3d artists, scriptwriters and animaters.

hey, what engine do you use? inbox me

I am probably going to use unity for this project.

(1 edit)

well I do got a game already you can join my game if ya like (it's on scratch though)

Sup, i can be a scriptwriter, inbox me if you want to see the examples of scripts i can make.

Do you have a discord i can dm you on?

hello there, I got a team but we鈥檙e kinda stuck without a programmer on unity, we鈥檙e doing a 3d horror on unity, if you鈥檙e interested dm me on discord thescaphism

Hey, if you're still looking for a music artist, I can do the music for you. Here's a couple songs I made:

Clayton Trailer Music


If you're interested, you can DM me on my discord:  _fran1

hey I鈥檓 an audio professional with plenty of horror projects under my belt

You can listen here to three stylistically different examples: 

Black Ritual 

Broken Glass


Let me know if you want to collab, my discord is tcedwards. (With the full stop at the end)

hi I can do unity scripting, check my itch page for some recent stuff - discord is marshmallow_thief 

Hi, i would like to be on your team i am a 3d artist/animator and i do a little audio editing and i am a very good scriptwriter

Hey! Do you have a discord i can message you on?

Yes! here is my discord spiderdude399_25653

I can help out with the music if you're interested. I have written for games before, including a game with some horror elements in it. I also just released a horror EP. Here's my work: 

Feel free to message me on discord, my user is nolanbrewermusic.