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I'm really liking the game so far. Great choices for audio and art direction! I'm looking forward to more content and maybe even task specific poses instead of standing still as a bar fills. 

My primary criticisms at this point deal with how tedius the game is. Here are a few suggestions:

1- The client tells me to roam around, but does not tell me what room to roam in. If we were told where to roam, or if the client was in the room we were supposed to roam in, this would make the game far less tedious given just how many interactive elements each room has. This would be enough to prevent me from using the Lewd Guide setting. 

2- Could we possibly get fast travel or optomize the assigned tasks to minimize travel time please? I kept going to the bathroom to get tasks that would take me to the living room or vice-versa.

3- The days are just too long. I saw our contract is for 10 days, but the days are so long finishing day 2 felt like a chore. I simply don't have the desire to grind out whatever ending may exist after day 10. The client using us 20 times each day seems a bit overkill. I feel 5-6 times each day would improve game flow.