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Hi, I'm using the code for something similar to this. But I'd like to hide it during certain scenes. Is there any way to hide it manually as needed?

Do you mean force-shrink the menu hamburger at certain story moments (f.e. CGs)? quick_menu_is_open is a newly added Ren'Py variable, so you should be able to easily control its value in Ren'Py scripts where you want it to happen.

Force shrink hamburger:

$ quick_menu_is_open = False

Force open hamburger:

$ quick_menu_is_open = True 


Or if you mean hiding everything that has to do with quick menu buttons.

The big button's visibility is controlled by the quick_menu variable (I kept the same name as Ren'Py's default), and right now the 6 quick buttons are separate from this. This is my first project and it's been ages, but I've now rechecked and notice that it is a bit of oversight to not write the following check in screen quick_buttons() in the following way:

if quick_menu_is_open and quick_menu:

 By applying this change, then you can use these following statements.

Force hide quick buttons:

$ quick_menu = False

Force show quick buttons:

$ quick_menu = True