So juicy! I really like the simple visuals and how reactive it all feels. I also like the wario-ware style where you have to quickly figure things or lose by lack of time. I had A LOT of trouble eliminating the red pointy circles, and even after reading the comments it took me more than 30 tries to get past level 2.
Here's how I got past level 2 : I dragged and dropped the circle several times on short distances towards the edge of the screen while it was getting bigger, and managed to get it out before it got too big. However, that didn't work on level 3 because there just were too many red circles, and that method would have taken way more than 10 seconds. So sadly, I couldn't get past level 3.
One other thing I had trouble with is the increasingly high sound effect that indicates the seconds elapsing, they almost hurt after the fourth beep, so I had to mute the game. But I really liked the title music.
I think the concept and idea are great, I absolutely love that examplar level of juice, and the elegant simplicity of the graphics. I wish I'd understood how to proceed, though. With a little bit more polish on the controls side, this could really shine! Is there more variety in the levels after level 3?