Well, as soon as you get it finished and pushed out, I don't mind covering it. It's a good game, too much abandonware exists of truly GOOD stuff on the Android space, and even more still just get deleted entirely for no reason. The Android space is not experimental, it's been around long enough, it's just downgraded CPU systems, no just cause for deleting stuff instead of letting it stay for people that want it, probably just people selling assets to unity or other things or covering up this endless cycle of recycling crap.
I'm in your corner of covering the game, all I can say, don't mess it up bruh. 🗿👍
I also get, it's a business move, if you make it available on Android that people just won't pay for the PC or steam version... I say, not true. You just go for expanded or alternate material. Android could be sewers, PC could maybe be beyond, or a optional Sequel. There needs to be a bigger trend of still pushing out content even if it doesn't become cashcows. You may have someone who likes your content as much as say... The endless nightmare series. Keep options open, money earning is never out of the question.