Hello HisDarkerSide,
thank you for your feedback which unfortunately is also confusing for us (Dan and me) to read. But I will try to answer you. (There is also a FAQ.txt (frequently asked question) file included in the game folder.
1a. You are playing a fictional story, also called Fairy Tail and all characters/persons and their opinions are fictional and do not resemble our, the game developers, real opinions. If we decided (for story reasons) to include a homophobic character in the game, we would certainly do so, because it is a fictional adversion of a fictional character in a game.
1b. They don't both marry a teacher and your wording is unintelligible in the context of homophobia.
2. Dan is asking which idioms confused you and/or were difficult to understand. Could you post one or more examples?
3. No one but you noticed that the Mac version is missing xD. I'll fix that and post a Mac version in the next few days.