Gah! Ok, so I'm a wimp. I faint at the sight of blood, have a bad reaction to even the thought of bad tastes or smells.... So... the reason I downloaded this was definitely just a boatload of curiosity.
Definitely glad I did!
Of COURSE the first route I pick turns out to be the vore one. Because of course it is. And I'm shamefully curious to know if the whole game's aesthetic is something people are... into? Because despite the packaging, the whole thing was just so... otome. XD So I'm pretty curious to know why the aesthetic is enjoyed, how that interacts with the otome aspect, etc. (I'm sure it'll be different for different people, but still! :O )
Also curious to know- did you have hopes of inspiring people with such curiosity, perhaps even empathy? Did you have any larger goals besides delivering an awesome game?
I've got a lot of curiosity. >>
Anyway, thanks! This was really adorable. Perhaps unsurprisingly, I'm a Nyargh fan. <3