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(1 edit) (+1)

Nice little short game - I completed it four times.

Both levels are fun to play, and the mechanics present, while not original - are fun!

Honestly, it would be great if the boss had health - like, it would be cool if you had to hit its head 3-4 times before it dies. Because right now - while the game is fun to play, it's really short :(

But overall, this was a nice experience, and I enjoyed my time with it enough to replay it a couple of times. There is a nice element of mastery - I could see that I'm getting better at traversing the level and beating the boss.

Although, I had some weird issue with the sprint button randomly not working. Not sure how that works

Overall, good job!

(2 edits)

Yeah I'm working on improving it and thank you for the feedback! Also the game was short Bc I was fixing bugs the whole time