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Hannah is struggling as is. Why bully her?

(1 edit) (-10)

Don't want to "bully" her - just want MC to stick to his guns, avoid the headmaster's BS, and refuse to get involved. Just say "no" and stick to it.  (Also didn't want him to have sex with the headmaster but ... ). Wasn't even keen on him getting involved with the other redhead (blanking on her name - the one that makes clothes) - mainly because she's part of one of those families. 


Actually, I think ideally - I would have done that first video in the headmasters office and then told her that if she brought up her sister or her family's business to me again in any way, ever, that I'd release the video.


You sound like you'd be right at home in some of those families. Glad the MC is more open minded, kind, and able to change and grow. If you're confused, look up the definition of Character Development.


It's amazing. Anytime I say anything critical of any character in any game someone pipes up with "but it's character development" as if any of them actually knows what that means. Most of these games are just badly written. 


It's very possible, if anytime, as you said, that people reply with a similar comment, that they just might be on to something hm? The fact that you have enough data points to show that both, people always say that and that you keep writing comments that get those reactions, speaks volumes about your own character development, or lack there of.