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Tips for Beating the Game

I’ve discovered a strategy for beating the game. Consider this a spoiler if you prefer to figure it out on your own. Note that this strategy applies to the experimental version, not the current web version.

  1. Focus on Exponential Items: The key lies in the exponential items within the game. By doing so, you can increase your damage and defense at a much faster rate than your opponents can overcome.
  2. Max Out Specific Trees mostly related to speed:
    • Base Tree: Accuracy and Attack Speed.
    • Sub Trees: Burst Shot, Multiecaster, and Assassin.
  3. Exponential Items: Concentrate on items like Blue Flame and Critical Strike, they stack upon each other. I like Blue Flame as you can max it to every shot and you get more damage for it then the base damage card.
  4. The Blood Mage: It is an exponential heal based on your damage and even with very little put into it will heal you more than your max health per hit. Combine this with a bit of armor, and the difference becomes laughable. In my example below they do 21 damage per hit and I heal for over 50k per hit far more than I have in total health. 
  5. Critical Strike: Critical strike chance is capped at 80%. When executed correctly, 80% of your hits will always result in instant kills.
  6. Gambling: Lastly, I recommend gambling. If you’ve restricted your open trees to exclude useless items, statistically, you’ll receive something that can only benefit you. Keep in mind that Ember Generation is the only dud in the card pool if done correctly. 


  1. Retaining Embers in Endless Mode:
    • It’s a great idea to allow players to exit endless mode while retaining the embers they’ve earned. This would provide more flexibility and prevent players from feeling stuck or bored once endless mode starts.
  2. Variety in Mobs:
    • After completing the main game and transitioning to endless mode, maintaining variety in enemy mobs would be nice having the same predictable one is boring.
  3. Exponential Enemy Bonuses:
    • To maintain challenge as players progress, introducing exponential bonuses for enemies once in endless mode.
  4. Auto Card Selection or Limited Upgrades once in Endless mode:
    • An auto card select option or a mode where players cannot acquire additional cards after a entering Endless could be interesting.

Thanks for making a fun game.


Hey thank you for playing the game, I'm assuming that if you played the experimental version then you are already on our Discord server.

About your suggestions:

1. To quit a run you can use the "K" key for now and in version 1.3 there will be a proper button.

2. v1.3 will have a lot of new enemies (v1.2 - 8 enemies, v.1.3 - ~40 enemies) to give variety to the game. After round 60, I intend to cycle the enemies again with exponentially increasing stats.

3. Purple turtles were supposed to drop embers as well but I forgot to add that feature.