nice work on completing mplus with simplified chinese! hope this goes on. my appreciation from china.
though, here are some minor fixes i've found:
敌(enemy) that looks like 故(past, old, reason), maybe the worst mistake here cuz games are often about enemies...
渗 looks like its traditional form 滲 where it should be simplified, also it seems off by 1 pixel to the right. (also 擎 德 )
蓝 摹 莽莱莲莫莉荷获 菱菲萝菌菜菊菩菠萤营(oops they occur in a row because of having same stroke count, maybe also some others)'s top part looks out of the original style (both stems extend to 1px higher),
兽 's bottom seems exceeded the common position of others (a pair of strokes might need to be merged to avoid black 2x2). oppositely, 烂 looks lifted. 丧 looks too short.
hope this helps on taking steps towards perfection~