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ngl kinda lame that you're forced to become pretty much a cultivating vampire after the expedition.

story wise i guess the reveal makes sense? but the way you're forced to penny pinch qi in the "normal" difficulty and above makes it so you can't use (or more so get heavily discouraged of using) your powers over saving it to upgrade your stats. to make matters worse your powers don't actually change the outcome of fights significantly over just using your physicals, so theres basically no reason to use say your new elemental stuff and lose 3 qi permanently over just passing a stat check for agility/constitution/strength. or god forbid you want to use your regeneration perk because now you spend 1 qi to regen, better stick with talismans and choose/roll another perk if you're not after poison immunity (which we might have lost anyway when our whole body got remade by tang wei)

if i could choose that i'd stay with inner energy, because honestly this whole qi business has not been worth it in any form or shape whatsoever, at least mechanically.




he could actually make it a choice with tang wei to keep things as they were or to receive the  power of the Qi cause at the point of the expedition the mc "can" be a middle stage houtian if they manipulate mei mei to give the ascension pill or receive the blessing of the spirit inside the expedition zone so basically you will go to late houtian,peak and on, so the mc evolution will be inside the "normal-guidelines" instead of being the nightmare-fueling monster of power that tang wei was xiwen himself was surprised with mc's appearence and he/she being able to harness qi considering that the grandfather of mc still hasn't taught him/her to use since he was absent most of mc's life so i think it can be a feature for those that dont want to go all their effort on building a good strong character to be in vain at that point. and a a alternative ending that differentiates from qi route and inner energy route that would open more room for possibility of replaying the game differently instead of a semi-set path that gradually changes until you receive qi.