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wow... that was really really REALLY good.

i adored the writing. definitely felt like this deserved to be a visual novel. the main character's thoughts were conveyed extremely well, and i love how it picked up on even the smallest aspects of anything, without feeling overbearing. the word choices feel both super eloquent and simple enough to be believable. the dialogue was really natural and great at conveying subtle emotions. and the little "fuck you" moments demian has in every conversation were really entertaining lol.

the story is incredibly compelling. obviously this is a demo and the plot isn't even remotely done, but what's here is super creative and really makes you feel for the main cgaracter. i think even if someone hasn't gone through their exact experiences (which is kinda hard y'know, who amongst us hasn't drank up previously vomited divine alien goo from a dumpster?), there's something to relate to for everyone. either not being comfortable in your own skin, growing up without the love you need, feeling like you're stagnant in life, or just having to work at a shitty job every day at 7 AM to pay the bills are all things that (sadly) a lot of people can see themselves in... and it really speaks to the quality of the writing that, even with such a realistic setup, the alien/god/hallucination-from-lack-of-sleep doesn't feel remotely out of place in the story. it belongs perfectly. just fantastic.

lastly i'd like to mention the style. the art is really good and has a ton of personality, and i love the small twitches and movements characters will sometimes have between lines of dialogue. but the presentation is made even better with the super well placed pauses in the text, the use of shaky words, the sometimes REALLY uncomfortable sound design, the realistic backgrounds that add SO MUCH STYLE... it all adds up for a game with such a striking visual identity that i can't stop thinking about.

honestly, i have extremely little complaints about the game. maybe some parts were too stretched out for my taste, and chapter 1 is a bit tough to get through with all the non-stop shit that gets piled on poor demian's back haha. but yeah no, this is the textbook definition on how to do a demo. it's a real standout, and i can't wait for the finished game :D