This was the highest I could go lol. Anything after this point was impossible for me ( skill issue, I know )
Holy heck, this game was punishing lol. You came up with some damn crazy patterns here which required some razor tight precision and dodging. I can already imagine some sort of speedrunner who's a god at this game just finshing the game without any deaths lol.
The presentation was great overall ( video and audio wise ). I loved how despite how crazy the game got at times, it was always readable. The obstacles and bullets stood out damn well and none of my deaths felt cheap since I could always tell what killed me.
Having a high sense of difficulty really only works when it feels fair, and I think this game nails that feeling well ( most of the time ). Every time I died, I just wanted to play again.
I also love how some of the levels later on really force you to use the slow-down power to ensure that a collectible spawns in a position that you can actually collect it from ( the snowflake level comes to mind )
I do think the game could've felt a little better if the margin for error was increased just a little bit, but as a whole, I'd say this was a fantastic unique arcade game