I like where the game is going definitely. I do have a few critiques though:
-One of the biggest, and hopefully easiest to address, is that 'interact' icons only appear while the character is stationary. I feel like I have to come to a full stop next to every piece of scenery to see if it's interactable or not. Which leads on to the next thing,
-Movement feels a little bit clunky. I think that what's happening is that the entire 'walk' animation needs to finish before the character stops moving, which means there's a significant delay after releasing the movement key before I actually halt.
-Inventory navigation is a bit slow. I think that you could make the entire game work with only WASD/arrows, no QE needed actually. One of the things that could be changed easily is that if I try to combine items, after I select one pairing I have to select the initial item again before I can try another. So to clarify, instead I could select item A, then select item B. If the two don't match, I can immediately try item A and item C, without having to select item A again.
-As a more overarching item, it would be nice if I could skip some interactions if they obviously aren't going to be helpful. I had some ideas of what I was going to have to accomplish, but I was forced to talk to the perp about every new piece of evidence before proceeding. That makes scripting a lot more complicated I know, but I think overall that will make the game feel a lot smoother and more intuitive.
-Oh yes, I did encounter one bug. Sometimes after interacting with bad 'un the game locked up and I couldn't move or open my inventory. I was able to open the settings and quit to menu, then continue, and that fixed the problem. At least one time was showing him the handbag after already talking to him about it.
There are a couple other rough edges, but those are the biggest issues. Don't get my critiques wrong, I really like where the game is going, there are just some things that can be improved. Keep it up!