CONGRATS! You completed a thing in 48 hours! Here are some thoughts I had while reading:
- YUP, that name is perfect for what this is. But going in I had no clue what I was in for haha.
- Interesting premise! But I would like to know why the aliens are coming? And why now? And what makes their mission on a time limit?
- The font lent to layout issues but that's not a big deal.
- Imitate lost me. I know what you were going for but it did not make since as written.
- I like the pregen humans to choose from. I would love a section describing how to make a human the aliens have watched and gathered data on. The table at the end is a good touch
I think I want to see the aliens do more things that are alien-like. Right now, they feel more like spies than extraterrestrials. Overall, nice job!