Gave it a try because the rhythm concept and some elements feel similar to our entry.
While I enjoyed the aesthetics as well as your choice of music, unfortunately the gameplay has been crippled severely by elements that work against it. Slow character, input delay, large hitboxes, low fire rate of 1 shot per second while there are dozens of enemies on screen at a time, taking hits from blocky/wavy lines when you shouldn't due to a bug of some kind, enemy shots that block your own shots without giving score... The final nail was being unable to move diagonally while shooting.
The player feels weak and powerless, which just wasn't fun. You're supposed to combat MALEVOLENT INTERNET ENTITIES yet your peashooter can barely deal any damage, you can only shoot straight, AND you get swarmed by ads from all sides and you can't shoot them back? That's very anticlimactic considering how many words in game title and game description are in ALL CAPS and ITALIC. The player should have much better tools and be able to dispatch most of the enemies on-screen - so either give player a much faster, powerful shot which can reach multiple angles, or reduce enemy counts so you're not just dodging ads when you're supposed to block them.
Overall - I don't think the game is fun at all, but it's fixable. Adjust the player hitbox, fix the input delay, redesign the shooting so player can take down most of the enemies, add extra options for dealing with enemies your shot can't reach, and lastly I'd suggest to adjust how patterns are synced to the music. It wasn't bad, yet was barely perceptible because I was looking at the playing area while the amount of enemies didn't match the rhythm.
Good effort for having only 5 days of work available. Congrats on finishing the jam!