FINALLY!!!...a game that doesn't EFFING CRASH YOU EVERY 5 SECONDS...(😄yay)
I have the hardest time finding games I don't hate, either unamused or defeat it in a day/hours. This game is one of the few that keeps me coming...and I mean coming back, not 😉) perv-oh's.
I prefer an overview sandbox but I could overlook it being on the more sexual content virtual novel(VN) side that it is. It gives a feel of monotonous droning that'd ween you off of it. Being frame by frame Still Pic's/GIF's has this affect on me personally.
But I just know ur prob not done...coming back 😉...urself, dear creator. I get this inkling u put alotta hard...I meant heart into it, so I'm sure I've not yet tapped...all content nor is there a line to it's completed contents end, yet....Holy cow it's far too easy for that lil innuendo.... someone shut me up!!
I'm more than likely sticking around...and that is saying a HELL of alot!! I'd recommend your game here, hope you keep at & try making other shit. Wouldn't mind seeing you try your hand at Femdom & Transdom shit!! Wink, wink.