Awesome game, superbly designed! I won with a time of 8:09. It was quite tense as I lost most of my health early on, leading me to play super carefully, but I managed to get through it. Perhaps because of this experience, I noticed that you've designed this game really well while including speed down grades. In many games, losing speed is a death sentence - but in this game, you can make up for it with strategic planning. Also, I REALLY enjoyed the dungeon floors you made, with rooms and passages and traps! I could image a 100 floor sort of dungeon crawler with this concept, with bosses and unique enemies. I feel like you created a truly solid game with an enjoyable loop; if I had to give some criticism, I would say: try to add some craziness! Whether it's changes to the way the player attacks, or moves, or a fearsome and unpredictable enemy attack (used sparingly), I think it could add a lot of personality to your game. With how solidly you pulled everything off in this game, I think you could make good use of such a technique.
Great work, and thanks for the fun!