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I spent a month completing this game, including art and programming.

About the backstory, I live alone in a unfamiliar community in 2021. At that time, there was a news about the murder of a woman who live alone. It became one of the hot topics in  women on the Chinese Internet for a while, and my friends and I talked about them. So the game is actually a mix of news and some real ecperiences from me and my friends.

And I find these violence and crime are difficult to prevent. Maybe these problems was complicated that I just didn't know how to solve it, so i made this game  out of my fear and anger.

I'll be happy about to hear more opinions or disscusion, if that's possible.

Thank you for your honesty! That sounds terrifying and I hope that the situation is easier now. The topic should be more prominent in all countries to prevent these cases. How would you describe the safety of women where you live? 

One question of my group: The character in the game has no visible eyes at the end. Is there any symbolism behind it?

Of course, I will update you and I will share the most interesting outcomes from the discussion. Our presentation is in three days. I will send you a message then. 

On the one hand, I think the security of society is  good, but on the other hand, it seems impossible to avoid violence, and women are  vulnerable to violence. The women around me were taught from a young age : do not to go out at night or anything like that. For me,isn’t it a little weird to think that by educating women, we can prevent them from becoming potential victims? I'm confused about this.

And then about the eyes, which I did intentionally in that last scene. In the story, the character isn't got  physically harmed, but there is no doubt that she needs psychological treatment.And in previous scene,the character called the police,but apparently the violence wasn't serious enough for the police to do something.So one of the reasons about character moves away is fear of retribution later. Victim need to take action to prevent possible further harm.

The question for me is, can society do more to intervene on gender-based violence? In addition to being physically harmed, can sexual harassment, which is more common, be stopped? I don't know the answer.

I'm sorry if my words are not logical,it's late night here. Those thinking were my first reactions.And I am looking forward to hear the outcome of your discussions!

Hey - we had our presentation today. We really enjoyed sharing your game and it fitted the guidelines perfectly. There was only positive feedback from my colleagues, and the presentation had much more impact thanks to your statements. We discussed the safety issues of women and men in comparison and the responsibility distribution. Who is responsible and how to solve such issues? We also included statistics regarding the safety of women in our country and the numbers are quite high, which was shocking. Is there anything else you want to know?