This was definitely one of my favorite submissions in the jam so far! The design of this game is astonishing. The transition between the three stages of the sea, with the music change and harder enemies, was very well done. I loved the card system. Although I did spam all the cards without looking at them, I designed my deck to fit my playstyle, which I think was a perfect game design choice. The graphics fit well together and the ambiance really complemented the game.
However, a few things eventually made me quit. The endgame was too hard—not because of the difficult enemies, but because of the card positioning and camera following, which added to the difficulty. After playing for a while, when moving directly down, the player would hide behind the cards and could even go off screen. It got frustrating when enemy fish started attacking from the bottom of the screen, and I couldn't see or target them properly. I'm not sure where this bug came from, since it didn't happen at the start of the game. I played the downloadable version, if that makes any difference.
Overall, this game was very impressive and I recommend everyone to try it out!